Socotra Appeals for Urgent Intervention to Prevent More Dragon Blood Trees Death Video

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Local residents of Socotra Archipelago- Yemen, located on the Indian Ocean, complained the increasing of rare Dragon Blood trees fall and death that the island is distinguished with and now controlled by UAE through STC militia.

Activists warned from the continuous falling of the rare tree, required for urgent intervention by the concerned authorities through field visits for more closer view at the disaster scale, performing the necessary studies.

The activist in Socotra, Abdullah Bada’han- in a letter sent to the government by the Ministries of Fisheries, Agriculture, Water and Environment, the Public Authority for Environmental Protection, the Agricultural and Plant Pests Unit, and the UNESCO Heritage and Culture Organisation- said, “Since November 2021, we have launched many calls and appeals regarding the phenomenon of death and fall of dozens of dragons blood trees in the Daxum Reserve, central of Socotra.

We have tried, through voluntary personal efforts, to draw the attention of concerned local government agencies and relevant international organisations, and to ask them to intervene urgently by studying the phenomenon and searching for solutions that contribute to stopping this extremely dangerous environmental deterioration”, he added.

He pointed out that they faced a lot of neglect and indifference on the part of government agencies, to the extent of denying the matter by trying to hide the truth from public opinion, and leaving the matter as if it was normal despite the extent of the losses that were caused to the natural environment here, especially the rare “dragon’s blood” tree, threatened with extinction. The tree is known of slowly growing, as it takes hundreds of years to reach this shape and size that seen today.

Bada’han said that “The dragons blood tree represents a great symbolism for the natural environment in Socotra”, pointing out that it enjoys importance and sanctity

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